Xu Genbao urges his disciples to respect fans

Titan English02-02 00:23

Xu Genbao told his disciples to respect fans regardless of comments in social media: "Without the fans, we professional footballers wouldn’t exist. If the fans didn’t support us, how would all the distinguished football figures here have a place? We must be grateful to the fans. No matter how extreme their words or actions may be at times, I believe they always come from a place of goodwill."





“体坛+”是体坛传媒集团旗下《体坛周报》及诸多体育类杂志的唯一新媒体平台。 平台汇集权威的一手体育资讯以及国内外顶尖资深体育媒体人的深度观点, 是一款移动互联网时代体育垂直领域的精品阅读应用。